The Adventure of
Harwood Squirrel
The Adventure of Harwood Squirrel, Harwood is a young squirrel who lives with his brother, Garwood, in a small wood. Their life was easy and good because a little lady who lived in a small house near the woods fed seeds and nuts to the birds and the squirrels. But one day, the little lady moves out of her house. Harwood went looking for seeds and nuts but found a big yellow truck and a big brown dog. What happened to Harwood is the start of his adventure. What is his adventure? Will his life ever be easy again? Will his life ever be good again?
About the Author
Dr Wyatt began her career as a teacher of young children, then as a vice-principal of an elementary school. Later, she served as a county-wide specialist/supervisor of early childhood curriculum development and implementation in the County’s schools.